Booking Confirmation Form

Once this Booking Confirmation Form has been received, we will send a confirmation of the booking to you by email.

(*Required Fields)

Your Details

Venue Details

Booking Details

OTHER TIMING DETAILS (receiving line/ meal start time/ speeches etc. For wedding ceremonies we would normally begin playing 20 - 30mins before.)

MUSIC REQUESTS (Please give any specific requests here or by email regarding style or pieces.

Intermezzo: Terms and Conditions


Times – start and finish times will be agreed on booking although we will try to accommodate changes if at all possible. The period of charging is a continuous block of time running form the agreed starting time to the agreed finish time and includes any breaks taken by the quartet and breaks in the proceedings. A two hour booking, for example, could run from 2.00 – 4.00pm. However, playing from 2.00 – 3.00pm and then again from 3.30 – 4.30pm would constitute a two and a half hour booking.

The fee – the full amount can be paid at any time but must be received no later than two weeks in advance of your date. Please make a bank transfer to our account which is in the name of Intermezzo String Quartet. Account no. 03179753. Sort Code 090150; reference your surname and event date.

The venue – a room is required in which to store belongings, to get changed and to take any breaks. Please arrange this with the venue in advance so that things run smoothly upon our arrival. Soft drinks are required during the performance and vegetarian sandwiches are welcome at longer bookings of four hours or more.

Playing outside - Please discuss any arrangements for the quartet to play outside when booking. We are hardy, but our instruments are not. The client should have organised shelter from strong sunshine or windy conditions, and also have an alternative indoor location should Intermezzo decide on the day that the weather conditions are not appropriate for playing in.

Communication – the client will provide us with details on the booking form (contract). Intermezzo will confirm the booking via email. We are always available by email to answer any questions and to discuss the music choices.

Music – the full repertoire is on our website and consists of classical, jazz and popular music. If there is a piece that the client would like and is not in our repertoire, we can usually write an arrangement for a fee of £50. At least two months notice is required. Any other service such as accompanying a singer, will incur an additional fee.

On the day

Arrival – we trust that the necessary arrangements will have been made with the venue and we generally arrive half an hour before the start of the performance.

Dress – the quartet will wear formal and attractive dress as seen on our website. We try to match your colour scheme, where appropriate.

Lighting – the quartet needs adequate background lighting to be able to read the music. Although we have clip –on lights, a standard lamp situated nearby is helpful in dark areas.

Seating – the quartet needs a space of approximately 2.5metres square in which to perform and will require four armless chairs, to be ready where the client would like us to play. It is always very helpful if the chairs can be moved for us if we change location within the venue.

Playing outside – as we will have discussed this with the client, Intermezzo will come prepared dress-wise. The client will have prepared outdoor arrangements at the venue.

Breaks – breaks will be taken during the performance amounting to an average of ten minutes per hour. We try to make sure that these are taken at suitable times and so these may be grouped to form a longer break if that is more appropriate to fit in with the proceedings.

I understand that by submitting this form I am confirming my booking with Intermezzo String Quartet. I am aware that in the event of cancellation by myself the following charges will apply:

Cancellation within 3 months of the event – 50% of the total fee.
Cancellation within 2 weeks of the event – 100% of the total fee.

I will make payment via bank transfer ( ‘Intermezzo String Quartet’ Sort code 090150 Account no: 03179753) no later than two weeks before the event date.

Music for all occasions - a wedding, reception, corporate function.